Free Guitar Learning Apps: Top 8 Best Apps for All Beginners

Rick Larsen
1 min readMar 13, 2024


As a lucrative and fun activity, learning to play the guitar can also occasionally be difficult and frustrating. To succeed, you must put your abilities into regular practice, pick up new ones, and get through setbacks.

Technology may have made it easier and more pleasurable to learn how to play the guitar. There are a multitude of guitar learning apps that can teach you the fundamentals of guitar, regardless of your level of proficiency. These guitar learning applications offer a variety of content, including songs, metronomes, tune-up tools, courses, and more.

But which apps are worthwhile for your time and attention? And which ones are free or reasonably priced?

If you have an electric guitar or an acoustic, but don’t know how to play it then, this blog post is for you. Here we will introduce you to the 8 best free guitar learning apps to help you learn to play guitar. Let’s take a closer look at each guitar learning apps and see what they have to offer.

how to learn guitar for beginners



Rick Larsen

Rick Larsen a content marketing strategist associated with Bootlegger Guitar, a well known for designing & building guitars, amps & pedals.